Building an <span class = "text-highlight">e-commerce</span> platform for a digital law firm in Bahrain.

Every now and then, there comes a project that challenges you to get out of your comfort zone. This particular project greatly contributed to expanding my technical skills.

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Amanat is a digital law firm in Bahrain founded in 2021. The key driving factor behind Amanat is the idea of constantly disrupting the norms of the legal profession to ensure that clients are more legally aware of their rights and have unrestricted access to the legal tools that enable them to exercise those rights.


Most of the law firms in Bahrain have a traditional and conservative online presence which lack character. Amanat wanted to redefine the meaning of law firms to the consumers in the GCC while conveying the sense that it is a law firm for everyone.

My Contributions

I led the design and development of both the marketing and the e-commerce websites. These websites had to be multilingual as most of the company's clients are based in Saudi Arabia. So, I took advantage of multiple low-code tools and combined them with Webflow CMS to create a smooth online experience. The e-commerce website collected 800+ impressions within the first month of its launch. I also assisted my team in designing various marketing materials.

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